Wednesday, November 10, 2010

9/8 + 2/4 + 9/8 + 3/4

Hey all! Nick's back, having taken the blog back from Bathsheba (see previous post!)! At the risk of disappointing everyone after the awesome demo by Juwita (see Songs link at the top of the page — by the way, how is everyone liking the new design and layout of this site??), here's another rough audio clip, this time of our rehearsal with the band earlier this afternoon. This is us running through, for the first time, the most rhythmically complex song in the show, Before I Turn Sixteen.

Forgive the less-than-optimal audio quality as it's just a microphone in the middle of the room, plugged into the computer... and everyone's instruments were just "raw", plugged into individual tiny amps. When it comes to the actual show, we can almost promise that it'll sound at least marginally better :P ...not to mention we'll be using an electronic drum kit for greater control over the level of the drums! Whoohoo!! But for now, here's yet another hint of what's to come during the show... give or take a keyboard, proper mixing and mastering, and someone who can actually sing. Arf. Hope you enjoy!

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